Moderator: Paweł Świeboda – demosEUROPA - Center for European Strategy
Gervais Appave - Special Policy Advisor, International Organisation for Migration
Ilkka Laitinen - Executive Director, Frontex
Oldrich Martinů - Deputy Director of the Governance Department, Europol
Roderick Parkes - Head of Brussels Office, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Moderator: Dirk Vande Ryse, Head of Situation Centre, Frontex
Olivier Burgersdijk – Head of Business Demands and Products, Europol
Philippe Chrobocinski - Head of R&T projects for Border Surveillance and Protection of Critical Infrastructure, Cassidian – an EADS Company
Pr. Paul de Hert - Institute for European Studies of Brussels, Belgium
Moderator: Isto Mattila – Senior Adviser, Directorate General MARE, European Commission
Frank Goerke - Head of Directorate Sea, Bundespolizei, Germany
Auðunn Kristinsson – Deputy Chief of Operation, Coast Guard, Iceland
Athanasios Lampropoulos – Director of Sea Borders Protection Directorate, Hellenic Coast Guard, Greece
Eduardo Lobo Espinosa – Head of the Coordination Centre for the Maritime Surveillance of Coasts and Borders, Guardia Civil, Spain
Adrian Sbarcea - First Class Specialist Officer, General Inspectorate of the Border Police, Romania
James Wood – Senior Project Officer, European Maritime Safety Agency
Georgios Vourekas – Head of Sea Borders Sector, Frontex
Moderator: Edgar Beugels – Head of Research and Development Unit, Frontex
Henrik Nielsen - Head of Unit, Border management and return policy, European Commission
Paulo Alexander Nicolau - Head of Lisbon Airport Immigration and Border Control, Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF), Portugal
Gregorio Ameyugo Catalan – EUROSUR project manager, Frontex
Moderator: Tim Cooper, Principal Research Officer, Frontex
Katarzyna Cuadrat Grzybowska - Legal Advisor, European Data Protection Supervisor
Philip Gounev - Senior Researcher, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria
Tom Sorell - Professor of Global Ethics at the University of Birmingham