
  • EU Border Management – a way forward


    Faced with an unprecedented number of migrants in 2015, the EU introduced last year a more integrated approach to the management of European external borders as a shared responsibility of the Agency and the national authorities responsible for border management. This debate will examine implications of the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation. What has already been achieved, what are the main challenges and what the way forward is.

  • European Integrated Border Management - a new concept?


    The panellists will focus on the principles and objectives of an IBM strategy for the Member States and for Frontex.

    As a reminder, two main points:

    1. The European Border and Coast Guard shall implement European IBM as a shared responsibility of Frontex and of the national authorities responsible for border management.
    2. The components of an European IBM are the following : border control, SAR, risks analysis, cooperation between MS, interagency cooperation, cooperation with Third Countries, technical and operational measures related to border control and designed to address illegal immigration and counter cross-border crime, return, state-of-the-art technology and large-scale IT systems, quality control mechanism, solidarity mechanism (ISF)

    The panel will reflect on what should be the approach for the preparation and possible content of a technical and operational strategy for European IBM to be established by Frontex.They will discuss key elements of the European IBM Strategy taking into account that the National Authorities responsible for Border Management shall establish their national IBM Strategies in line with the technical and operational strategy for European IBM.

  • The new role of Frontex in the Coast Guard functions


    Main points:

    • Inter-agency cooperation / multi-functions operations
    • "Law enforcement action at sea" concept

    The law enforcement cooperation at sea will be one of the key elements of discussion. The concept of coast guard functions officer and cross-border crime detection officer could be introduced. The panel will also examine implementation of the European coast guard functions by the three agencies. Frontex will speak on how it sees further development of the coast guard function, and, with the support of EFCA or EMSA representatives, about the added value of multipurpose operations. A MS representative will highlight the complementarity with MS coast guard functions.


  • Border security as part of internal and external security


    The panel will discuss border security as an important internal security component. It will examine the value and results of closer cooperation with the security and law-enforcement agencies of the EU and member states. It will touch upon increased efforts at the borders to apprehend and prosecute people smugglers, detect false documents and spot potential terrorists using integrated IT systems. It will look at the collection and processing of personal data, such as the PeDRA project as well development of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).

  • 8.45 - 9.30 Registration
  • 9.30 - 10.00 Welcome, opening speeches
  • 10.00 - 11.15 EU Border Management - a new way forward
  • 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break
  • 11.45 - 13.00 European Integrated Border Management - a new concept?
  • 11.45 - 13.00 The new role of Frontex in the Coast Guard functions
  • 11.45 - 13.00 Border security as part of internal and external security
  • 13.00 - 18.30 Cinema (short documentaries on border related issues)
  • 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
  • 13.00 - 18.30 Industry Exhibition
  • 14.30 - 16.00 Resume of three debates
    ED4BG Photo Competition award ceremony
    Summary, closing speech