
  • Rear Admiral Patrick Augier

    Rear Admiral Patrick Augier

    Rear Admiral Patrick Augier is France’s Deputy Secretary General for the Sea, with responsibilities including work with international institutions, in particular with maritime agencies of the European Union.

    He previously serves as the prime minister’s special advisor on the seas, responsible for the State Action at Sea. During his two decades in the French Navy, he was the commanding officer of the helicopter carriers “Jeanne d’Arc” and command and supply ship “Marne”, as well as the flag captain of the admiral commanding the armed forces in the Indian Ocean, executive officer of frigate “Surcouf” and head of nuclear division of the aircraft carrier “Charles de Gaulle”.

  • Egert Belitsev

    Egert Belitsev

    Egert Belitsev is a Counsellor (Illegal migration, Frontiers and Schengen Matters) at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the European Union.

    He started his professional career in 2006 at the Estonian Citizenship and Migration Board as a migration surveillance inspector. His main responsibilities in various positions held there and at the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board were the coordination and development of migration surveillance in Estonia. He studies at the University of Tartu and obtained Master of Laws degree in 2013.

  • Philippe De Bruycker

    Philippe De Bruycker

    Philippe De Bruycker (PhD in Law) is Jean Monnet Chair for European Law on Immigration & Asylum and Professor at the Institute for European Studies and the Law Faculty of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

    He founded in 1999 the “Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe” known as the Odysseus Network: odysseus-network.eu. From 2001 till 2004, he was in charge of drafting proposals for directives on immigration in DG Home Affairs at the European Commission. He has also been Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute in Italy from 2012 till 2016 and is guest professor in several universities like Sciences Po Paris, Aix-Marseilles, Luxembourg, etc. He works as an expert and trainer for different institutions (European Parliament, UNHCR, IOM, ICMPD) and is at the origin of the European Asylum Curriculum (EAC) used by the EU Asylum Agency to train case officers. After having extensively published on issues of constitutional and administrative law as Head of the Centre for Public Law in ULB till 1999, his books and articles now focus on Immigration and Asylum Law with a special emphasis on its EU dimension.

  • Alvaro Jarillo

    Alvaro Jarillo

    Alvaro Jarillo is Lecturer in the International Law Department at the UNED University in Madrid. He holds a Bachelor in Law degree from Complutense University (1996), postgraduate degree in EU Legal and Economic Studies at the Sorbonne University (1997) and a Ph.D. in Law degree at the UNED University (2006).

    He has conducted research in areas of International Law and European Law. He has published numerous papers and articles related to political rights, democratisation and transition to democracy, right to self-determination, post-conflict governance and migration in the process of globalisation. In the last years, Mr. Jarillo has participated in postgraduate programs, such as the European Joint Master's in Strategic Border Management, Master’s on European Union (UNED) and Master’s on the Challenges on Peace, Security and Defence, (Instituto General Gutierrez Mellado). He has been electoral observer and election supervisor with the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization of American States (OAS) and the OSCE in countries including Indonesia, East Timor, Kenya, Serbia, Montenegro, Ecuador and Haiti.

  • Ana Cristina Jorge

    Ana Cristina Jorge

    Ana Cristina is the Head of Joint Operations Unit of Frontex Agency, in Warsaw, since November 2012. The Joint Operations Unit comprehends three Sectors – Air, Land and Sea Borders, and is responsible for the planning, implementation and evaluation of the joint operations carried out at the European External Borders under the coordination of Frontex.

    She started working with Frontex October 2009 being seconded as Liaison Officer of the Agency in Brussels, ensuring representation and contacts with other European Institutions and with organizations represented or based in Brussels.

    Ana Cristina joined the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service in November 1990. In this organization she carried out functions as Head of Borders Division and Director of the Central Directorate for Borders. She participated in many International “fora” related to Border Management and chaired the Frontiers WP from the EU Council during the Portuguese Presidency in 2007.

    Born on the 25th May 1967 in Lisbon, graduated in 1989 with university degree in International Relations from the Lisbon University.

  • Berndt Körner

    Berndt Körner

    Berndt Körner, as of 4 January 2016 Frontex’s Deputy Executive Director. He was born on 21 April 1961. He graduated in Law at the University in Graz. He started his professional career in 1991 as a civil servant working in the Aliens Department in the government of the province of Burgenland.

    In 1994, Mr. Körner became a legal expert in Austria’s federal chancellery. Two years later, he joined the Ministry of Interior, where he was a member of a team preparing Austria’s accession to Schengen. At the ministry, Mr. Körner worked with Austria’s neighbours on improving border control, leading to the signing of bilateral agreements and opening of new border crossing points. He later headed the Ministry of Interior’s department responsible for general security matters and then the department responsible for migration, visa matters and legal aspects of border control.

    During the Austrian EU Presidency in 2006, Mr. Körner chaired the Council Working Groups "Schengen evaluation" and "Frontiers”. In 2010, he joined the Council of the EU, where he worked as a seconded national expert for Schengen evaluation until 2013. For nearly two years before taking up his post at Frontex, Mr. Körner served in Albania as an expert on Integrated Border Management at PAMECA IV, an EU funded technical assistance project that assists key Albanian law enforcement agencies by offering expertise drawn from EU Member States.


  • Fabrice Leggeri

    Fabrice Leggeri

    Fabrice Leggeri, as of 16 January 2015 Frontex’s Executive Director. He was born on 28 March 1968. He joined the French Ministry of Interior as Deputy Head and later the Head of a unit dealing with cross border traffic, borders and visas.

    He has an extensive background in working with various levels of government on issues related to the Schengen agreement, migration and international law.

    Following his first stint at the Ministry of Interior, he served as a national expert seconded to the European Commission in 2000-2003, where he contributed to drafting the Commission Communication COM(2002)233 “Towards an integrated management of the EU external borders”, which was endorsed in 2002 and recommended the creation of Frontex. Between 2003 and 2007, he represented the State in two French regions holding the office of Vice-Prefect. In 2007, Mr. Leggeri joined the French Ministry of Defence to head the division of International and European Law, a position he left in 2011 when he moved to Seoul to become the deputy head of the French Embassy in the Republic of South Korea. In August 2013, he returned to the French Ministry of Interior to run the Division on Irregular Migration, with key responsibilities arising from Schengen-related public policies and illegal immigration. He also managed annual budgets of domestic and EU source. He holds a Postgraduate Degree in Contemporary History from the University of Paris. He is also a Graduate of Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.


  • Sander Luijsterburg

    Sander Luijsterburg

    Sander Luijsterburg is the Deputy Head of Unit in the Migration Policy Department of the Ministry of Security and Justice in the Netherlands, dealing with Border Management Policy. Previously, he worked as a JHA Counsellor in the Netherlands Permanent Representation in Brussels.

    During the Dutch Presidency of the Council he chaired the Working Parties on Frontiers and Schengen Evaluation and was one of the lead negotiators on the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation on behalf of the Council.

  • Tony Mouton

    Tony Mouton

    Tony Mouton is a Commissioner and Member of the Migration Unit within the General Directorate of Administrative Police of the Belgian Federal Police, responsible for the management of Belgium’s external borders and border guard training.

    He joined the Belgian Gendarmerie as a mid-level officer in 1980 and soon became involved in training, mainly in the field of judicial police and border guards. He was a Frontex national training coordinator, represented Belgium at the Frontex Management board and participated in the vulnerability network. He also worked on the development of the Integrated Border Management course.

    He took part in the European Joint Master's in Strategic Border Management programme.


  • Laurent Muschel

    Laurent Muschel

    Laurent Muschel has been Director for Migration and Protection in Directorate-General for Home Affairs, European Commission, since September 2013. Previously, he was the Deputy Head of Cabinet to Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs, and Jacques Barrot, Vice-President for Justice, Freedom and Security.

    He started his career as policy officer in DG Transport, where he dealt with the European aviation market. He then became Assistant to the Director General for Energy and Transport and later the Head of Unit for “International energy relations”.

    He joined the European Commission in 1994 after studying Political sciences at Sciences-Po, philosophy at the Sorbonne and corporate finance in a French business school.

  • Julie Norris

    Julie Norris

    Dr Julie Norris is a forensic psychologist with wide experience in the design, development and validation of law enforcement learning and training programmes. She has worked for An Garda Síochána, the Irish national police service, Frontex and Interpol, specialising in the development of operationally relevant, practical courses that meet the standards of the Bologna and Copenhagen processes.

    She was deeply involved in the design and development of the Frontex SQF and Europeant Joint Master’s in Strategic Broder Management.

  • Marta Pachocka

    Marta Pachocka

    Marta Pachocka holds a PhD in Economics and is the Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Studies of the Collegium of Socio-Economics of the Warsaw School of Economics. She is the coordinator of project EUMIGRO – “Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary International Migration – an Interdisciplinary Approach” co-financed by the EU in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme.

    She is a member of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the Warsaw School of Economics and a researcher in the IMINTEG project at the Centre of Migration Research of the University of Warsaw. She was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre d’études européennes de Sciences Po Paris and Visiting Professor at the University of Economics in Bratislava and at the University of Tartu.

    Her main research interests include socio-demographic changes in Europe/ EU; Europe/ EU and international migration; EU policy on migration, asylum and border management; immigration policy and integration policy in France; France’s international position; European economy, world economy, global public goods.

  • Roderick Parkes

    Roderick Parkes

    Dr. Roderick Parkes is a senior researcher at the EU Institute for Security Studies, a Paris-based EU research agency, where he covers European migration and home affairs policy. He has previously worked for government-affiliated think tanks in Berlin, Warsaw, Stockholm and Brussels.

    His latest paper is: “People on the Move: the new global (dis)order”, EUISS Chaillot Paper, 2016.

  • Klaus Rösler

    Klaus Rösler

    Klaus Rösler, as of 1 September 2008, is Frontex’s Operation Division Director. Born on 21 August 1955, he has developed his carrier with the German Federal Police since 1974 with various managerial functions related to operations and training as well as policy officer in the Ministry of Interior.

    He graduated to senior management level in 1989 and since that carried out several managerial functions, dealing with border control issues both on national and European level.

    Before joining Frontex he inter alia was Deputy Head of a Border Police Battalion and later of a Border Police District Authority, lecturer on operations and management at the Federal Police Academy, Head of the Federal Police Office at Munich airport, senior policy expert within the DG Federal Police in the Federal Ministry of Interior, Head of crime investigation Department with Federal Police Regional Authority Munich, Head of the Border Police Branch of the EUPOL Mission PROXIMA 2003/2004 in FYROM, and Head of the Federal Police District Authority Schwandorf/Bavaria, managing 11 subordinated local offices with total 1800 staff in charge for border surveillance at the border to Czech Republic, Railway Policing in Northern Bavaria, and investigation of related crime.

    More than 8 years heading the Frontex Operations Division he is responsible for the comprehensive operational information management and Frontex Situation Center, including the operational implementation of Eurosur business framework, the strategic and operational risk analysis on illegal migration and related crime at External borders of the EU as well as the planning, implementation and evaluation of border control Joint Operations and other activities, thus providing adequate operational responses to migration challenges, and also the planning and implementation of return activities, altogether supporting the Member States on the implementation of the EU Integrated Border Management.


  • Dan Thorell

    Dan Thorell

    Rear Admiral (CG) Dan Thorell was appointed Director, International Affairs at the Swedish Coast Guard in September 2016 and is the chairman of the Swedish National advisory board on maritime surveillance, which coordinates 12 governmental authorities need for maritime surveillance and information.

    He joined the Coast Guard in 1975 and served in active service at sea until 1988. Since then, he has held various regional roles, including Director of the Law Enforcement Department and later the expanded Response and Law Enforcement Department at the Coast Guard Headquarters, as well as the Director of the Coast Guard Region South. He also served as the senior coastguard advisor at the Ministry of Defence.

  • Juan Santos Vara

    Juan Santos Vara

    Juan Santos Vara holds the Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action the University of Salamanca, where he is the Professor of Public International Law and European Law, Director of the Master in European Studies and Coordinator of the European Joint Master’s in Strategic Border Management.

    He holds an LLM in European Law by the College of Europe and Master in European Studies by the University Carlos III of Madrid. Before joining the University he worked as a lawyer in the Cremades y Asociados law firm in Brussels. His research is mainly focused on the EU External action and migration. In the last ten years he has participated in nine research projects financed by Spanish and international institutions. He has been involved in the development of the European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management under the auspicious of Frontex from 2013 to 2015. He was a member of the CEPS TASK FORCE ‘Towards a European Border and Coast Guard’, led by Enrico Letta and Rapporteur in Odysseus Annual Conference 2017 on the European Border and Coast Guard.


  • Pascal Robin Wolf

    Pascal Robin Wolf

    Pascal Robin Wolf is a major and commanding officer of the ‘Scheldestromen’ border control brigade of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. After graduating from the Dutch Royal Military Academy he started his career as a second lieutenant. He was later served as deputy commander of the operational unit at the second largest airport in the Netherlands.

    He took part in the European Joint Master's in Strategic Border Management programme and is also the student representative to its governance board.

  • 8.45 - 9.30 Registration
  • 9.30 - 10.00 Welcome, opening speeches
  • 10.00 - 11.15 EU Border Management - a new way forward
  • 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break
  • 11.45 - 13.00 European Integrated Border Management - a new concept?
  • 11.45 - 13.00 The new role of Frontex in the Coast Guard functions
  • 11.45 - 13.00 Border security as part of internal and external security
  • 13.00 - 18.30 Cinema (short documentaries on border related issues)
  • 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
  • 13.00 - 18.30 Industry Exhibition
  • 14.30 - 16.00 Resume of three debates
    ED4BG Photo Competition award ceremony
    Summary, closing speech