EBCG Day 2018: Photo Exhibition
EBCG Day 2018: Photo Exhibition
Alexandra Popescu, Romanian Border Police
Christophe Lis, DCPAF Border Police
Dawid Michna, Polish Border Guard
Alexandru Azoitei, Romanian Border Police
Arto Apila, Finnish Border Guard
Celeste Garcia Jurado, Policia National
David Bugeja, Armed Forces of Malta
David Laurentiu-Valentin, Romanian Border Police
David Parnis, Malta Police
Gabriel Craciun, Romanian Border Police
Alexandro Gabriel Ristea, Romanian Border Police
Georgiana Cristina Teodorescu, Romanian Border Police
Igors Kormilcevs, Latvian State Border Guard
Iolanda Ombas, Romanian Border Police
Jean Marc Oliviero, French customs
Joao Moura, Policia de SeguarancaPublica
Jocelyn Balcaen, Federal Belgian Police
Kayleigh Gelfo, Armed Forces of Malta
Kerly Virk, Estonian Policeand Border Guard Board
Kristian Hagan, Bureau of Borderand Aliens Police
Krzysztof Bieniek, Polish Border Guard
Marcin Klepacki, Polish Border Guard
Marcin Pojnar, Polish Border Guard
Marina Brencena, Latvian State Border Guard
Martina Svobodova, Foreign Police of the Czech Republic
Michał Demkowicz, Polish Border Guard
Mihai Bejenaru, Romanian Border Police
Miika Collan, Finnish Border Guard/Coast Guard
Oksana Rosolovska, Riga Board of LatvianState Border Guard
Paweł Sieledczyk, Polish Border Guard
Piotr Kaczmarczyk, Polish Border Guard
Iulian Puica, Romanian Border Police
Sigvard Jansson, Finnish Border Guard
Simona Latvyte, Border Guard School
Stefan Andreescu, Romanian Border Police
Stefan Reihs, Federal Ministryof the Interior, Austria
Sylwester Socha, Polish Border Guard
Vincent Groux, DCPAF – Border police
Vitomir Turkalj, MUP PU-PG PPP Rijeka
Lavinia Wouters, Belgian Federal Police