ED4BG 2014: Migrants at sea - high expectations, limited solutions

ED4BG 2014: Migrants at sea - high expectations, limited solutions

ED4BG 2014: Migrants at sea - high expectations, limited solutions

Advances in technology are allowing both more surveillance of borders and greater data exchange about long and short term migrant flows. A good example of such a pan-European information exchange is Eurosur. At the same time, the increasing information transparency of migrant flows often does not translate into the ability of responsible authorities to make use of it. Consequently it leads somewhat ironically to greater attention to migrant flows without corresponding rises in effectiveness of actual border control and search and rescue measures.
Both media exposure and daily experience of some of these technologies is also raising expectations on the part of Europeans and their political leaders about how much actual control of maritime borders is possible today. This panel discussed these linked dilemmas of changing control and surveillance technologies, increasing information transparency, limited applicability and availability of many technologies in border regions, all in the face of rising popular expectations about technology's possible role in effective and efficient EU border control.