Air transport business’ analytics say European airports suffocate, more and more we can hear about so-called “airport capacity crunch”. The estimates show there are 1.9 million un-accommodated flights in Europe. That translates into 237 million passengers that couldn’t fly when and where they wanted...
Last year IATA, together with Tourism Economics – an independent forecasting organisation published its first 20-year passenger growth forecast. They projected that passenger numbers are expected to reach 7.3 billion by 2034, which is more than doubling of the 3.3 billion passengers travelling by air in 2014.
Although with the slowest growth rate of 2.7% Europe will still cater for an additional 591 million passenger a year. The total European-market will be 1.4 billion passengers.
How can such a massive flow of passengers be handled at the borders? Is Europe ready at all for such a change? Which direction will the European market and therefore European border control take? Does the future carry European name, or does it sound more like Incheon, Changi, Al Hamad and Daxing?